Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A New Record!!!

This past Sunday a few friends and I went to a little artshow in downtown Rochester.
Everything was amazing and very inspiring. There were people who made silk ties, clothes, bags, journals, jewelry, henna art and lots of other stuff. But one thing that really caught my eye was this lady who had taken old records and softened them with heat and made bowls out of them. So it got me thinking of all kinds of things you can make with them. And it just so happened that a lady at church gave me a huge box of old records because i had taken an interest in them.
So here are a few of my own creations:

This is a cool bracelet I made by softening and cutting one of the records. It's open on the bottom so you can stretch it just enough to put your hand in it.
This bowl is my favorite, You can use it by the door to throw your keys in or keep other little things in it. I'm trying to figure out a way to seal up the little hole in the bottom so you could fill it with dip or something.

This is a book stand that's great for the recipe books.

Here is a serving tray that's perfect for Cheese & Crackers or other little things like that.

Those are the ones I've made so far, but there are a million things you could make with these.
Let me know if you think of any other ideas and I'll try it out!!

Love ya!!!

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